300ml Kungfu Teapot Kamjove TP-140

Automatic pot “Compact” with the flush button 600ml, glass, plastic

300ml Kungfu Teapot Kamjove TP-140

Automatic pot “Compact” with the flush button 600ml, glass, plastic


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EasyPot “Compact” (300ml) is a perfect tea pot, which combines ancient tradition of tea culture with nice modern design and innovative, but convenient and simple technology. The pot is easy to use, quick and efficient. The main purpose of the pot is to easily separate tea leaves from the water, and the “EasyPot” resolves this task very easily – you just need to press one button and … that’s it – Perfectly brewed tea is in the pot!

Large size is ideal for 2-3 people and larger gatherings. Simply place your loose leaf tea in the top chamber and add water. After the appropriate infusion time, just press the button to release the tea through the mesh base into the large glass jug below. The special push button release valve and gravity insures complete separation of tea leaves from remaining liquid (unlike other teapots!). This means leaves can be repeatedly infused more and more, because they don’t over-steep.

The pot is easy to clean and maintain – safe, hygienic and dishwasher proof. Large jug is made of heat resistant glass, brewing chamber – of food-grade polycarbonate with stainless steel mesh.

Brewing loose leaf tea just got very easy!

Brief instruction to use the pot:

–       1. Put tea leaves in the inner cup

–       2. Add water of proper temperature for this sort of tea

–       3. Brew the needed time

–       4. Press the red button and infusion will leak into the pot.

–       5. Operations 1-4 can be repeated several times, while the tea leaves are still “strong”